What helps with PMS mood swings?

 Photo by Julien L on Unsplash  


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common occurrence among women when it’s “that time of the month.” In America, more than 90 percent of women who are of menstruating age experience PMS. [1]

PMS is a “collection of physical and emotional symptoms that start a week or so before your period.” [2]

PMS can be in the form of various symptoms, like the following:

  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Sadness
  • Anger/rage
  • Oversensitivity
  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Depression
  • Sore breasts
  • Acne
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Food cravings

Mood swings, alongside the other first 7 symptoms above, are very common among menstruating women. Crying spells, anxiety attacks, “hangry” moments, sudden outbursts, and snapping on the smallest of things – name it!

With PMS, this emotional turmoil come a week or two before the period starts. It is normally over a day or two after day 1.


Why do PMS mood swings happen?

While experts cannot necessarily pinpoint the actual cause of PMS mood swings, they connect it with hormonal fluctuations. Because PMS starts after ovulation, which causes a woman’s body to release an egg and thus a drop in estrogen and progesterone levels. This hormonal shift causes a drop in serotonin levels, the chemical in the body responsible for mood, appetite and sleep cycle. This physiological change then manifests into both physical and emotional symptoms, which we see as mood swings.

Fortunately, there are various ways to relieve uncontrollable emotional ups-and-downs while “on code red.”

Here are 7 ways to find relief from PMS mood swings:


First, track your symptoms and mood swings.

This is important in determining whether your mood swings are indeed related to that time of the month. Write down the dates when you start to experience mood swings, all the way through to the time you notice they’re gone. By doing this month-on-month, it’s easier to find patterns on when in the month and for how long the emotional symptoms kick in.


Move your body.

Movements do a lot of wonders for the body. Exercise, working out and any form of physical activity can bring positive changes to the mind and body. That’s because when we exercise, our body releases endorphins or brain chemicals that are known as “happy hormones.” Endorphins make us feel good, lifting our moods and helping us get rid of negativity.


Try smaller but more frequent meals.

Eating a large meal, especially if it’s rich in carbohydrates, can lead to changes in blood sugar levels that could only make PMS symptoms like irritability and mood swings worse due to low blood sugar levels. By eating smaller and more frequent meals, one can keep the blood sugar at bay and make it steady. When you know that your period is coming, steer clear of big, infrequent meals and try to have six smaller meals a day.


Be more mindful of what you eat.

Did you know that certain foods can bring relief to your PMS symptoms? Studies show that calcium supplements can help you get rid of sadness, anxiety and irritability. [3] So the next time you’re about to have your period, try eating foods that are rich in calcium, like dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese), green leafy vegetables, cereals and even orange juice.

Foods rich in Vitamin B6 help stabilize estrogen levels and maintain hormonal balance. Eat meals with fish, chicken, turkey, fortified cereals and fruits.

Supplements rich in Vitamins C & B6, Magnesium, L-theanine, schizandra berry, passion flower, chamomile, Ashwagandha Root, Licorice Root, and Chaste Tree Berry also help restore hormonal balance. Something like VALI Renew support period cycles, promote wellbeing and boost mood.


Avoid the junk.

You know this was coming, don’t you? As always, we suggest veering away from unhealthy foods and snacks. Stay away from junk food, alcohol, sugary treats and sweets, caffeine and alcohol. It’s way easier said than done – trust me I know! But by steering clear from caffeinated drinks for just a week or two can give you the positive PMS-related changes that you’ve always wanted. And I know how cravings for sweets can be so strong, but stay strong and resolute! Doing little things like this can help you get rid of nervousness, anxiety, crying spells, even insomnia. Now how does that sound?


Manage the stress.

Again, easier said than done. But do know that there are several ways to tame the dragon and keep the stress at bay. Try meditation, journaling, yoga, breathing exercises, reading a book at the bath, even listening to music you like or apps like Calm. Don’t hesitate to spoil and surround yourself with things that give you joy, whether they’re plants, scented candles, essential oils, and other #selfcare items.


Get enough sleep.

In today’s American work culture of 70-hour workweeks, sleeplessness is a badge of honor. Waking up in the wee hours just thinking about work has become the norm. This fast-paced, always-on-and-connected world of entrepreneurs on-the-go has taken sleep for granted. Especially for entrepreneurs trying to build their empires, it’s essential to be switched on round the clock and give 24/7 attention on the business (or so many think).

But sleeplessness is not a healthy habit to keep. It can lead to an irreversible loss of brain cells and of course, moodiness the day after.

Aim to get seven to eight hours of sleep every night, most especially two weeks before getting your period. Getting enough sleep is crucial for our entire bodies’ repair. Not being able to do so can be a certified mood killer and can bring not just mood swings but also brain fog.

Avoid using blue light and instead do a lot more relaxing things on the lead up to bedtime. Try reading a book instead!

Take supplements that are a natural sleeping aid. Melatonin supplements are highly popular as sleeping aids. They’re even used to treat insomnia and are the easiest ways to achieve a good night’s sleep. [45]

Check out our sleep formula SleepWell. It's an herbal sleep supplement made with natural ingredients safe for everyday use. Unlike other sleeping pills & OTC medicine, Sleep Well doesn’t make you dependent for sleeping.







